
Verified messages from community leaders.

Protect your community from malicious actors. Send verified announcements to your community — with peace of mind.

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Audience builder

Identify members based on any tokens you have issued. Compatible with any EVM network or token. Need help? We can help you get started. You audience is waiting for you.

Safe spaces for your community

Your members are busy and are hesitant to interact with links.

Our software ensures that only authorised senders may send messages to your community. In turn members can rest easy knowing that the content they receive is accurate and comes from a trusted source.

Built for web scale

A brief history.

Ever needed to message a large amount of members urgently? We once needed to message a large number of users (100k+) and have an idea if they received and/or opened the message.

Our product was founded with that need that no product could fulfil, to send verified messages at scale with read receipts - cost effectively.

By investing in giving your members a trusted channel, we can coordinate and communicate with them in a way that is secure and transparent.

Ready to get started?

Book a call with us to discuss how we can improve participation in your community.